Jul 27, 2020
Learn the Science of the heart and the power of love. Dr. Deborah Rozman of the HeartMath Institute shares how it’s been scientifically shown that our hearts can predict traumatic events before they happen.
She also reveals how your heart’s energy will impact the brain waves of others. This is the real science...
Jul 21, 2020
Are you ready to take a step from which there is no turning back?
Debra Poneman, the creator of the “Yes To Success” Seminar, inspires us all to leap off the diving board with her personal story of following her own passion to the highest levels of success, then giving it all up for motherhood and now creating...
Jul 14, 2020
The key to happiness is not in the outer world. Happiness expert and Author of Happy For No Reason, Marci Shimoff, says that you have the power to shift 90% of what makes you happy or makes you sad.
In this interview, you will learn actual techniques for shifting into a happier state and happier life. You’ll also...
Jul 2, 2020
World renowned Channel Darryl Anka shares the wisdom of Bashar, including how the choices we’ve made have brought us to this moment and how it will bring us to new choices that will allow us to “pass through the eye of the needle” into an existence of higher consciousness.
Bashar, a multidimensional being, teaches...
Jul 2, 2020
What are your five top passions and why is figuring them out essential to all of our success? The co-creator of “The Passion Test”, Janet Bray Attwood shares her raw and real story of how she discovered her true passion and how you can too.
Janet tells the real story of how she went from living with drug dealers to...