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Sedona Soul Adventures Presents Meeting The Masters podcast

Feb 2, 2021

If God exists, then why is there so much suffering right now on the planet?  Neale Donald Walsch author of the best selling Conversations with God books tackles what he calls the “God Dilemma” in his just released book “The God Solution - The Power of Pure Love” .

Walsch has written a book for these challenging times taking on the global pandemic, racial injustice and the economic crisis gripping the planet and the role of God in solving these problems. 

This luminary shares the story of breaking his neck, becoming homeless and his very first conversation with God.  A Conversation that forever changed his life and impacted millions of people all over the world. 

Plus he explains what the “God Solution” really is and how we can all tap into the power of pure love. 

This book sums up his previous 38 books and applies all of his lessons to what is going on in the world right now.  

He started writing this in August and his publisher was able to rush it to print and onto bookstore shelves when people are needing this the most.